Bart Smarkucki
Team Organic Muscle

Bart Smarkucki
Smarkucki, a graduate of Sacred Heart University with a masters in chemistry, designs corrosion inhibitors in the King lab but spends countless hours training in the gym. He is training with the goal of representing the United States in Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 summer games.
Coating Chemist Bart Smarkucki, of King Industries Inc., received the Best Lifter award in Olympic weightlifting at the Connecticut Open on July 21. Within the 188-206 pound weight class, Smarkucki Smarkucki, a graduate of Sacred Heart University with a masters in chemistry, designs corrosion inhibitors in the King lab but spends countless hours training in the gym. He is training with the goal of representing the United States in Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 summer games.took home first with a snatch of 275 pounds and clean and jerk of 334 pounds. These two lifts qualified Smarkucki for the American Open in Dallas this December. Smarkucki, a graduate of Sacred Heart University with a masters in chemistry, designs corrosion inhibitors in the King lab but spends countless hours training in the gym. He is training with the goal of representing the United States in Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 summer games.