How To Increase Your Protein Intake

How To Increase Your Protein Intake

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding Protein Importance: Protein plays a crucial role in muscle repair, satiety, and overall health, making it indispensable for fitness enthusiasts and those managing their diets.
  • Variety and High-Quality Sources: Increasing protein intake isn't limited to traditional sources; exploring diverse, high-quality options like legumes, quinoa, and organic protein powders can make the process enjoyable and nutritious.
  • Smart Meal Planning: Strategic meal planning, including high-protein breakfasts and snacks, and leveraging plant-based and animal-based proteins can effectively boost overall protein intake while supporting various dietary preferences.

It's no secret that protein is the cornerstone of muscle repair and a critical ally for our metabolic health. But how do we embark on the quest to eat enough protein without falling into a monotony of bland chicken breasts and chalky shakes? The answer lies in creativity, variety, and a dash of fun in our approach to nutrition.

The landscape has never been more exciting for fitness and health enthusiasts looking to ramp up their protein intake. With many options that align with every dietary preference and lifestyle, getting your protein fix has transformed from a chore into an enjoyable adventure. Whether you're a bodybuilder, a vegan warrior, or someone trying to cut back on carbs, we've got you covered.

At Organic Muscle, we understand the significance of protein in achieving your health and fitness goals. That's why we're committed to providing high-quality supplements that will inspire you to maintain the healthiest lifestyle possible. In this article, we’ll provide you with knowledge and tips to increase your protein intake in ways that are both effective and harmonious with your everyday approach. 


Plant-Based Protein

Understanding The Role Of Protein In Your Diet

Before we delve into juicy tips on increasing protein intake, let's discuss why protein is the rockstar of your dietary lineup. Protein is more than a buzzword among the fitness and health community; it's a critical macronutrient that plays numerous key roles in the body.

Protein is crucial to your diet as it is fundamental to the growth, repair, and maintenance of body tissues. It is a key building block for muscles, bones, skin, and blood and is vital for producing enzymes, hormones, and other essential body chemicals. Consuming adequate protein is essential for maintaining muscle mass, especially as you age, and for supporting metabolic functions that facilitate energy production and nutrient absorption.

Additionally, protein can help manage weight by promoting a feeling of fullness and reducing overall calorie intake. Integrating a variety of high-quality protein sources into your diet ensures you receive all the essential amino acids necessary for optimal health.

The Recommended Daily Protein Intake

Understanding how to increase your protein intake starts with knowing what your target should be. While individual needs may vary depending on age, gender, physical activity level, and health goals, there are general guidelines to help you navigate your protein journey.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for protein for the average adult is 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.. However, your protein needs may increase if you're more active or aiming for specific fitness goals such as muscle gain, endurance, or weight management. Fitness enthusiasts and athletes often consume between 1.2 to 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight to support muscle recovery and growth.

Top High-Quality Protein Sources To Include In Your Meals

When pumping up your protein intake, it's not just about the amount — quality is key. For those dedicated to enhancing your health and fitness in the safest, most natural way possible, we have a cheat sheet of high-quality protein sources that align perfectly with a clean, health-conscious lifestyle. Adding more protein to your diet should be as much fun and delicious as it is beneficial, so let's explore some enjoyable and nutritious options.


  • Lentils and Legumes: Not only are lentils a powerhouse of protein, but they're also flexible enough to be both the main star or a complimentary side in your meals. Legumes, including beans and chickpeas, follow suit, offering protein, essential fiber, and minerals.
  • Quinoa: Often hailed as a superfood, quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids our bodies need. It's a fantastic alternative to rice and can easily become a regular staple in anyone's diet.
  • Organic Protein Powders: When you're on the go or need a quick protein boost, organic, plant-based protein powders are a lifesaver. Opt for brands like Organic Muscle, which is certified organic, non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, keto-friendly, dairy-free, and free from nasty additives. These powders can be a flavorful addition to smoothies, oatmeal, or baking recipes.

Animal-Based Proteins

  • Organic, Free-Range Eggs: Packed with high-quality protein and essential nutrients, eggs are one of the most versatile foods on the planet. Whether boiled, poached, or scrambled, they're an easy addition to your daily meals.
  • Wild-Caught Fish: Salmon, mackerel, and sardines are not only rich in protein but also omega-3 fatty acids, which are crucial for heart health and reducing inflammation. Always opt for wild-caught to avoid harmful chemicals and to support sustainable fishing practices.
  • Grass-Fed Meats: If meat is part of your diet, grass-fed options are key for a higher nutrient profile, including omega-3 fats, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and antioxidant vitamins. These meats are also free from antibiotics and hormones, aligning with a clean eating philosophy.

Nuts And Seeds

  • Seeds: Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds are excellent protein sources that are high in omega-3 and fiber. Sprinkle them on salads, blend them into smoothies, or mix them into yogurt to pack a protein punch.
  • Nuts and Nut Butter: Almonds, walnuts, and cashews, along with their butter counterparts, offer a satisfying crunch and a protein boost. Just be sure to opt for natural, unsweetened varieties to avoid added sugars and oils.

Incorporating these high-quality protein sources into your diet can be an exciting adventure. Experiment with new recipes and different combinations, and discover how delightful and rewarding clean eating can be.

Easy And Delicious High-Protein Breakfast Ideas

Starting your day with a high-protein breakfast is like giving your body a jumpstart. Not only does it fuel your morning activities, but it also sets a positive tone for the rest of the day's nutrition. Incorporating protein-rich foods into your first meal can be easy and delicious. Here are some ideas for increasing protein intake during breakfast. 

Quinoa Fruit Salad

Kick off your day with a refreshing and unconventional breakfast salad. Mix cooked quinoa (a complete protein source) with your favorite fruits, like berries, banana slices, and nuts for an extra protein punch. Drizzle with a dash of lemon juice and honey for a sweet and tangy flavor. It’s a delightful bowl full of colors, textures, and nutrients. 

Vegan Protein Smoothies

Blend up a storm with a vegan protein smoothie that’s filling and delightful. Use a scoop of our certified organic, vegan protein powder as the base. Add almond milk, a handful of spinach, a frozen banana, and a spoonful of almond butter for a creamy texture and extra protein. It's a powerhouse smoothie that supports your health goals.

Tofu Scramble

Swap your usual eggs for a high-protein, plant-based alternative: a colorful tofu scramble. Crumble firm tofu and cook it with turmeric, nutritional yeast, and your favorite veggies like bell peppers, onions, and spinach. This savory dish is a fantastic way to increase your protein intake without sacrificing flavor.

Vegan Yogurt Parfait

Layer vegan yogurt (choose one high in protein), granola (look for a gluten-free, keto-friendly option), and heaps of fresh berries in a tall glass for a visually appealing and delicious breakfast. Not only is this parfait a feast for the eyes but it’s also packed with proteins and vibrant flavors.

Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seed pudding can be a lifesaver for those mornings when you’re in a rush. Prepare it the night before by soaking chia seeds in almond milk. The seeds will swell, creating a pudding-like consistency. In the morning, top it with sliced almonds, berries, and a drizzle of agave syrup for a sweet start to your day brimming with protein.

Embracing a high-protein breakfast doesn’t have to be bland. With these easy and delightful ideas, you can effortlessly integrate more protein into your mornings, ensuring you’re well on your way to meeting your health and fitness goals.

Protein-Packed Lunch And Dinner Recipes For Busy Days

Are you always on the go but still want to keep your protein intake up? We’ve got you covered with these quick, delicious, and protein-rich recipes that are perfect for anyone with a busy schedule. Remember, boosting your protein doesn't mean compromising taste or health principles. Let’s keep it fun, organic, and packed with goodness.

Quinoa Avocado Salad

Quinoa isn't just a trend; it's a power-packed source of plant-based protein and a perfect base for a refreshing and filling salad. Here’s how you can whip up this vibrant dish in no time:

  • Ingredients: 1 cup cooked quinoa, 1 ripe avocado (cubed), 1 cup cherry tomatoes (halved), ½ cup black beans (rinsed and drained), ¼ cup corn, 2 tablespoons fresh cilantro (chopped), juice of 1 lime, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Directions: In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients gently. Drizzle with lime juice, season with salt and pepper, and give it one last toss. This salad is quick to make and incredibly nutritious and satisfying.

Tofu Stir-Fry Over Brown Rice

Tofu is a fantastic lean protein source for those seeking to maintain or increase muscle mass without animal products. This stir-fry is a powerhouse of protein and flavors paired with hearty brown rice.

  • Ingredients: 14 oz firm tofu (pressed and cubed), 2 cups brown rice (cooked), 1 bell pepper (sliced), 1 cup broccoli florets, 1 carrot (sliced), 2 tablespoons soy sauce (or tamari for gluten-free), 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 teaspoon garlic (minced), ginger (to taste).
  • Directions: Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium heat. Add garlic and ginger, and sauté for a minute. Add the tofu cubes and cook until golden brown on all sides. Add the vegetables and soy sauce, stirring frequently until cooked but crisp. Serve over brown rice for a fulfilling and nutritious meal.

Chickpea Spinach Salad

Chickpeas are not just for hummus. They’re a versatile, high-protein addition to any meal. This rich, flavorful salad can be prepared in advance, making it the perfect grab-and-go option.

  • Ingredients: 2 cups spinach, 1 cup cooked chickpeas, ½ cup cucumber (chopped), ½ cup tomatoes (chopped), ¼ cup red onion (thinly sliced), 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Directions: Combine all the ingredients in a large bowl, drizzle with olive and lemon juice, season with salt and pepper, and toss everything together. It’s so simple, yet so nutritious and delicious.

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Increasing Protein Intake

When ramping up your protein intake, enthusiasm and ambition are your best friends. But, let's face it, even the best of us can stumble into pitfalls along the way. Here are some common mistakes to watch out for, making your journey towards higher protein intake effective, enjoyable, and in tune with your holistic wellness philosophy.

Overlooking Plant-Based Proteins

It's a common misconception that the only road to a high protein diet includes meat and dairy products. However, embracing a variety of plant-based proteins can be a game-changer, especially for those following a vegan, gluten-free, or dairy-free lifestyle.

Lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, and certified organic, non-GMO tofu add diversity to your diet and align with a health-conscious approach to fitness. Don’t forget that our range of supplements  works in complete harmony with your vegan and plant-based dietary preferences.

Ignoring Meal Timing

Protein intake isn't just about the "what" — the "when" is equally crucial. Distributing your protein consumption evenly throughout the day can aid optimal absorption, supporting muscle repair and growth round-the-clock. Instead of loading up on protein in one meal, aim for a balanced spread across all meals, tapping into the power of natural, easy-to-digest protein sources and supplemented by our holistic health products when necessary.

Neglecting Hydration

Protein needs water to be metabolized effectively. Neglecting hydration can hamper your body’s ability to process proteins and impact your overall health and fitness goals. Ensure you're drinking plenty of water throughout the day, more so if you're increasing your protein intake. Remember, a well-hydrated body is a well-functioning body capable of reaching those peak performance levels you're aiming for.

Underestimating The Importance Of Holistic Nutrition

Protein is vital, but it's only one piece of the puzzle. Integrating a well-rounded diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients is essential for fitness and holistic wellness.

Relying Solely On Supplements

While supplements are a fantastic way to ensure you meet your daily protein requirements, they should not be your only source. A varied diet rich in whole foods is irreplaceable. Our supplements are designed to enhance and complement your dietary intake, not replace it. Integrating our certified organic, keto-friendly, and non-GMO supplements with real, nutritious food will help you achieve the best results.

By avoiding these common missteps, you’re setting the stage for a successful and sustainable increase in protein intake. Remember, the enhanced fitness and health journey should be as enjoyable as it is beneficial. With Organic Muscle by your side, you're not just reaching your protein goals, but embracing a lifestyle devoted to holistic health and wellness.

Superfood & Vitamin Immunity

Final Thoughts

Increasing your protein intake isn't just about piling more food onto your plate. It's about choosing the right sources of protein that align with your body's needs and your health values. Integrating high-quality, clean protein sources into your diet — be it through whole foods or our meticulously crafted supplements — is a vital step towards fueling your body correctly. Remember, it's not just about meeting those fitness milestones; it's about embracing a lifestyle that puts your health and well-being first.

So, as you work on increasing your protein intake, let Organic Muscle be your partner on this journey. With our dedication to purity, safety, and efficacy, we're here to ensure that every scoop and bite takes you one step closer to your health and fitness aspirations. 

Read also: 

Frequently Asked Questions About How To Increase Your Protein Intake

What are high-protein foods to include in my diet?

High-protein foods are essential for body repair, muscle growth, and overall health. They include lean meats like chicken breast, turkey, and lean beef, fish such as salmon and tuna, eggs, dairy products for those who are not dairy-sensitive, and various legumes and nuts.

Can I increase protein intake without eating meat?

Yes! Numerous meatless sources of protein are ideal for vegetarians and vegans. Legumes, lentils, chickpeas, quinoa, tofu, tempeh, and edamame are excellent plant-based proteins. Plus, incorporating our Organic Muscle supplements can effortlessly boost your protein intake.

What are some plant-based sources of protein?

Plant-based diets can be protein-rich with foods like quinoa, lentils, chickpeas, beans, nuts, seeds, tofu, and tempeh. Incorporating various sources ensures an adequate intake of all essential amino acids.

Are protein supplements necessary to increase intake?

While it's possible to meet protein needs through diet alone, supplements can be a convenient and effective way to increase your protein intake, especially for those with higher requirements or restricted diets. Organic Muscle offers a range of certified organic, vegan protein powders that can easily be added to your daily regimen.

How can I increase protein intake if I'm lactose intolerant?

Lactose intolerance doesn't mean that you have to limit your protein intake. Focus on lactose-free protein-rich foods like lean meats, fish, eggs, and plant-based options. Our dairy-free, gluten-free protein supplements are also excellent for those avoiding lactose.

Is it better to get protein from food or supplements?

Both food and supplements have their place in a balanced diet. Whole foods offer additional nutrients besides protein, such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Supplements, however, can be a convenient and efficient way to ensure you're meeting your protein needs, especially on busy days or post-workout.

How can I ensure I'm getting enough protein on a vegan diet?

Adequate protein on a vegan diet is attainable by incorporating various plant-based protein sources each day, such as legumes, grains, nuts, seeds, and tofu. Our vegan protein supplements can also help fill any gaps in your diet, ensuring you meet your protein needs without compromise.

How do I balance protein with other nutrients in my diet?

Achieving a balanced diet involves incorporating a variety of food groups, including carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Aim to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, a quarter with protein, and a quarter with whole grains. Remember healthy fats from sources like avocados, nuts, and seeds.

Is it important to eat protein after a workout?

Yes, consuming protein after a workout is crucial for muscle repair and growth. A protein shake or a meal containing high-quality protein within an hour after exercising can significantly benefit muscle recovery.

What are some creative ways to incorporate more protein into meals?

Get creative by adding protein-rich foods to salads, soups, and smoothies. Swap rice for quinoa, use beans or lentils in tacos, or add a scoop of Organic Muscle protein powder to your morning oatmeal or pancake batter. These simple switches can significantly boost your daily protein intake.


  1. “Dietary Protein and Muscle Mass: Translating Science to Application and Health Benefit.” NCBI, 22 May 2019,
  2. LeWine, Howard E. “How much protein do you need every day?” Harvard Health, 22 June 2023, 
  3. “Physiology, Proteins - StatPearls.” NCBI, 14 November 2022,
Disclaimer: Organic Muscle products are not intended to treat, diagnose, mitigate, prevent, or cure disease. Organic Muscle products should not replace prescribed medications or the variety of foods important to a healthful diet.