Step #1
Soaking The Cashews
The first step of this recipe actually starts the night before you want to make the cashew milk, or at least 4 hours before. So, to start out you need to find a container with a tight fitting lid (so the water does not leak out) that you can fit 1 Cup of Raw Cashews in. Place 1 Cup of raw cashews in the container and add just enough filtered water/spring water to completely cover the cashews. Cover with the lid and place in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours, but overnight works best. The soaking process softens the nuts and also helps break down anti-nutrients that prevent your body from getting the most out of the nutrients in the cashews. Such as the unsaturated fatty acids, plant based protein, dietary fiber, minerals and antioxidants found in the nuts.
Step #2
Draining/Rinsing The Cashews
After the cashews have soaked for at least 4 hours, preferably over night. The next step is to drain the water from the container of soaked cashews and then rinse the cashews. You must drain the water and rinse the cashews thoroughly to get rid of all anti-nutrients and enzyme inhibitors.
Step #3
Blend The Cashews
Once the cashews have been thoroughly rinsed, place them in a blender. Add in 4 Cups of filter water/spring water along with 1/4 Teaspoon of salt. I prefer Himalayan Pink Salt for the higher mineral content and other benefits, but Sea Salt works great too. Once all the ingredients are combined in the blender, blend until smooth. If you have a small blender or bullet blender like I used in the picture, place a handful of cashews in and along with 1 Cup of water. Blend until smooth and pour into the jar/container you will be storing the milk in. Repeat this until you have used all the cashews and 4 Cups of Water.
Step #4
Filter The Milk
This last step is completely optional. Personally I never filter the cashew milk that I make and have never had a problem with it. Others might not like to find little bits of cashews in there milk, thats where the filtration step comes in. To remove any unwanted cashew pieces from your milk, you must run it through some sort of filter like a Cheese Cloth. This can easily be done when you transfer the milk from the blender to your jar/storage container.
That is my step by step guide on how to make your very own Homemade Cashew Milk. Now that you have the milk, it should be used within 3-5 Days. You should shake the Jar/Container you keep milk in before each use, especially if you didn't filter the milk with a cheesecloth or other filter. Cashew milk can be used in place of dairy milk in recipes, turned into Chocolate Milk by adding Cacao Powder and Stevia and it makes a great addition to your morning Coffee along with some Organic Muscle Plant Based Protein for a quick breakfast on the go!